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Car Window Tinting

Car window tinting

Window tint is a multi-layered film that is applied to your car windows to reduce heat, harmful UV rays and glare. The Car window tinting film is first cut to size, your windows are then cleaned thoroughly, and finally the film itself is applied. The film has a backing layer that is removed, exposing the adhesive that bonds the film to the window. A water-based solution is used to help application, allowing the film to be gently moved into position before a squeegee is used to expel the majority of water left between the film and the glass.  The film is applied to the inside surface.

There are several benefits if you window tint your car such as providing better protection from the sun’s harmful rays, privacy and safety from shattered glass.

Safer driving:

Although plain automotive glass blocks out significant amount of the sun rays the application of high performance window film will protect you even further. Just as sunglasses protect your eyes from the direct glare of the sun, window tint will prevent accidents from happening by reducing glare due to all sources of extreme light.

In addition there are other benefits such as privacy, aesthetic and security.


Adding window tint to your car will give you privacy from prying eyes. But the down side is that it may cause a problem if you want to make eye contact with other drivers, cyclist or motorcyclist who many times rely on making eye contact to gauge your intentions for making decisions at intersections.

Cool looks:

There are a lot of options in style that you can select from among window tint that could add value to the looks of your car.

Safety Value:

One of the biggest benefit of using a window tint is that a good quality reinforced film can hold pieces of glass together in case of an accident.

Protect Upholstery:

Constant exposure to extreme sunlight causes your car upholstery to fade. Since window tinting prevents the light from passing through, it in turn gives a longer life to your expensive interiors.

We provide different product for car tinting Ultrating Zero, Ultratint Pro, Ultratint Max, Ultratint Boost, Ultratint Safe

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